أمثلة من مجموعة نصية لـ٪ 1
1. It was a popular pastime for both Communists and non–Party members to get tipsy and listen to the records at high speed, enjoying his inimitable combination of sibilant, spitting and coughing sounds frequently interrupted by storms of applause.
2. By then I was familiar with the Karadzic persona, at least as it came across on television –– the trademark grey bouffant hair sweeping over his ears, the dark suit and the slightly sibilant English.
3. According to Strunk and White, Charles has a friend – who needs to be referred to, they insist, as "Charles‘s friend." By choosing "Charles" as their example, Strunk and White signaled that they were parting company with another school of thought, which calls for simply "Charles‘ friend." With its "buzzed" "s" at the end (what a phonetician would call a "voiced sibilant"), "Charles" all by itself sounds vaguely plural, and for some people, evidently, the extra "s" is just too much.